Monday, August 15, 2011

The Change

I don’t know why human beings resist change.  Every day we set out to accomplish a task.  If we are successful in accomplishing the task that we set out to accomplish then we are happy.  However, we are most happy when it is within the confines of our own comfortable bounds.  If we have to step outside that comfortable boundary line to be successful then it makes us question whether or not the change is worth the reward of success at the end!  Sometimes it helps when we are pushed a little to make a change!

 For example, In Genesis 12 God told Abram to make a change when he asked him to move to another country.  He did not tell Abram where he was going or for what purpose either.  He just said “Go” and Abram went!  And he was blessed for it!  But what if Abram had questioned God?  What if he had hesitated?  What if he had tried to go a different way?  What might have happened?  Would God have protected him?  Probably not!  But because Abram listened he was blessed and his name was changed to Abraham which means “Father of many nations.” 

I received an email at the end of last year telling me to relocate to another school.  I was so resistant to the change at first!  But a dear friend of mine reminded me that God too had a purpose for me at this new school even if I did not know what it was at that exact time.  And now I am reminded how Abram did not know exactly what his purpose was during his transition period but how many many nations were blessed through the covenant made between him and God!

Today was my first day at the new school and everything went so well.  The people were friendly and inviting.  I felt welcomed into my new home.  I am feeling more excited about teaching this year because I understand that it is more about the vision of reaching and teaching each and every child and less about the location!  Thanks to God for this beautiful reminder!!!!

I hope and pray that if you are faced with a similar situation in your life that you too will be able to find the joy in it that I did.  If you can be at peace with the situations that are handed to you in life then you will find that you are much happier. 

 I know for me the turning point was when I forced myself to go up to someone and introduce myself.  I almost went inside the convocation alone and sat down by myself.  But then I decided to pretend that I wasn't afraid and found a friendly face and introduced myself and from there they introduced me to even more people and before I knew it I was amongst my new family and I wasn't alone.  And even though it will be a process (because change isn't easy and things don't just work out perfectly over night) with the right kind of attitude and prayers you can certainly make the best of even the worst kind of days).

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